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Мя :sparkles_lesbian:

@drq writing kernel may be not so hard...

but then come drivers

Мя :sparkles_lesbian:

@drq oh, I read the article. Yeah, just read through all Linux code and implement all features and bugs. Simple enough for a few engineers, lol :tone_sarcasm:


Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mo I mean, Linux kernel is literally estimated around billions of dollars in accumulated development costs. The largest project the humanity has ever created, and will probably ever create.

"Just rewrite it, lol."

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mo If there was some kind of standardized kernel module API/ABI and maybe also device driver API/ABI, it *probably* would have been easier to write a drop-in replacement for the central part of the OS kernel itself. It would have been damn fine if a standard like that existed. Device manufacturers could just write one driver for any number of OS.

But there isn't. There just fucking isn't! I mean, microkernels notwithstanding.

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