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@Conan_Kudo @pinskia @scherzog @crazyeddie @lina I'm surprised because I read a lot of C++ papers (I'd about 5% of them since many years) for fun, but I never needed to refer to them to resolve issue when using C++. However I do use a lot. And the only time I did not found what I needed in cppreference and had to open the corresponding paper (it was about deducing this), I just read the usage example, lot the implementation notes in legalized language.

Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora: replied to robinm

@robinm @pinskia @scherzog @crazyeddie @lina At least for me, it's rare that I go back to the spec documentation, but when I have to, it's mostly to understand the intent of things and what the constraints they designed it for. But I know people that use that same information to come up with "tricks" to squeeze out everything from the language without breaking things.

(I'm also glad I don't live in that world where I need to think of that! 😂)

robinm replied to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@Conan_Kudo @pinskia @scherzog @crazyeddie @lina In your case, aren't the Rust RFC enough, or does divergeance between when they where accepted and the real implementation too much?

And when you speak about squeezing out everything from the language feels like compiler work (which isn't an issue if there is a single blessed implementation) than application/library work, or do I miss something?

Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora: replied to robinm

@robinm @pinskia @scherzog @crazyeddie @lina Sometimes the divergence is meaningful between RFC and implementation. And even with a single compiler implementation, squeezing everything out the language matters. Because if you don't know what is safe to squeeze, the assumption can be violated in an upcoming revision without any real warning. It's the equivalent of dealing with nightly/unstable rust features.

I'm also for having multiple compiler implementations, which is way harder with no spec.

crazyeddie replied to robinm

@robinm @Conan_Kudo @pinskia @scherzog @lina C++ has some really deep ends that you'll only be able to resolve by looking at the standard. I think the most obscure one I helped answer was a guy trying to disable a copy constructor but allow construction via an implicit cast operator on the same type--or something...weird thing to do, but why wasn't the compiler allowing it?? It's this weird rule in the standard language that tosses every other possible resolution BUT copy out of even lookup.

pinskia replied to crazyeddie

@crazyeddie @robinm @Conan_Kudo @scherzog @lina Even in a small language like P4 (which has a specifications), there are many corner cases that don't get flushed out always (in both the spec and the compiler). Examples for the spec were, (you can look up the reference compiler issues too).

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