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It's been a while, sorry I've been gone so suddenly! Thanks for worrying about me​:cube_blob_cry:​
How have you been? I'm fine ​:blobcatreachmelt:​

About the icon decorations, I've deleted all the ones that were on PrisMisskey, sorry.
Instead I give you the decorations I gave you before and the new ones I added to you, you can use them if you want ​:blobcat_fu_smile:​

But there is a lot of data and it is difficult to give it to you only by misskey.
I would like to transfer it as a zip file using an external site, is that ok?

Thanks, I'm fine, too!

Yeah, I don't mind transferring the archive via an external site. Just as long as my favorite decorations are back ​:senko_dance:​

Нипа~пꙮкалипсис Oh, and can you please send emoji like ​:cube_blob_cry:​
They are very funny I want to add them to our instance. But I can only see the emoji you sent me.

Glad to hear you're doing well!​:ablobsmile:​
Thanks for liking it! I'm very happy!
I've made it available for download here, so let me know if you have any problems.

Is it this emoji?​:cube_blob_fun:​
This emoji is cute, isn't it!
The person who made this pictogram is on the server here, so please ask him directly!
This is the guy →@nekomimi

Once again, thank you for seeking me out.
This is an illustration of my appreciation​:blob_surprise_blush:​

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