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Joshua Barretto

I want to write more stuff that's exposed to the public web. Almost all of the code I write is designed to run on someone else's computer. I want to build things with broadly unrestricted public APIs that let people mutate the same shared state, rate limits be damned.

Joshua Barretto

The most fun I've had has been working on projects like @veloren, watering holes in which people with eclectic interests have come together to poke and experience a public MacGuffin, a commons with all sorts of opportunities for low-level chaos and mischief.

Joshua Barretto

So many aspects of the modern web are locked behind paywalls, API keys, CDNs, etc. Everybody seems to fear their service being taken advantage of, lest it become a victim of the tragedy of the commons.

What if more services were explicitly designed with the intention of becoming victims of the commons?

Joshua Barretto

I can afford to run a small VPS, and even a small VPS nowadays is many times more powerful than what is required to service a simple application to tens of thousands of clients, with some care. It might be fun to just treat that as a sunk cost and build something that's fun and easy for folks to interact with.

Joshua Barretto

These 'shower thoughts' are brought to you courtesy of me reading this extremely fun post about One Million Checkboxes:

Jan :rust: :ferris:

@jsbarretto This is so wholesome! :awesome:

Just amazing!
Somehow reminds me of the movie `Contact`.

Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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