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War and Peas 🧿

We know constant plugs are annoying but please try taking a different perspective here: Although millions of people read our comics weekly, it’s still difficult for us as creators to make a living. We don’t get any money directly from Instagram or any other platform we post on.

If we wouldn’t have a Patreon page, we’d have to flip burgers and couldn’t make comics at all.

So if you read this or the plug of any other artist, please be kind. Thank you!


rob los ricos


i wish i could not be hurt by this cartoon.



I needed to see this today ... seriously ... thanks for sharing. Boosted 👍🏾

leading cackle influencer

@warandpeas only to the young! the rest of us will probably just think your shoulder seized up again and you're trying to work it out :P


@warandpeas 🎉CONGRATS🎊♻️🎊Collect your McDonald's Gift Card ($100) per person,🇺🇲If you interested Click here.

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