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Florens Verschelde

In Firefox, you can style the way a plain text response looks like by adding a `Link: <url>; rel=stylesheet` HTTP header.

Sadly doesn’t work in Safari or Chrome.

A JavaScript file opened in a Firefox browser tab. The file's code is displayed as blue text on a light pink background, with generous padding around the text.
A JavaScript file displayed in a Safari browser tab. The file's code is displayed with the browser's default colors, in this case as white text on a dark gray background.
Florens Verschelde

Also works with data URLs (in Firefox).

Amelia Bellamy-Royds

@fvsch Wait, how do you add HTTP headers to a data URI?

Florens Verschelde

@AmeliaBR No I meant using a data URL in the Link header value:

Link: <data:text/css;base64,…>; rel=stylesheet

Amelia Bellamy-Royds

@fvsch A good place to use the `tab-size` CSS property!

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