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Brodie Robertson

Hot Take:

Every big project needs a Linus Torvalds, I don't mean a BDFL, I mean someone who takes no bullshit, you will do this correctly, you follow procedure or you piss off. Who will give leeway to new devs as they learn, but expects more from long term devs who know better

Brodie Robertson

@pgronkievitz Maybe, but there's a lot of design by committee that goes on, a lot of projects don't really have that one person who has a guiding vision.

OrbitalMartian :GoToSocial:

@BrodieOnLinux 100%, that would make so many projects much better and easier for new devs to start contributing to.

@BrodieOnLinux How much leeway does he give to newbies though?
Juan Luis

@BrodieOnLinux It's tough, because when Linus scolds someone in public, the perception isn't "this is what happens if you try to bullshit Linus". The perception is "this can happen to *me* in the future if I keep growing in this project and I'm terrified".

I get where you come from but I think we are yet to find a better way.


@BrodieOnLinux I’m extending this metaphor to incorporate the workplace (my workplace).

Brodie Robertson

@whalecoiner but then what will happen to the managers who manage the managers


@BrodieOnLinux Is that the reality of the man, from someone who actually works with him? As an outsider, my impression has always been that if I were to try contributing to Linux and made one tiny mistake, I could be publicly humiliated by the top dog, or probably anyone below him in the chain of command. The whole structure seems extremely unwelcoming and I've so far avoided making any contributions to the project as a result.


@fyberpunk @BrodieOnLinux That is the toxic part. I agree with the original sentiment, we are doing it this way if you are not doing the same way then you are a net negative. However being a complete prick about it is a choice that you don't have to make. And humiliating people in public is a fucking disgrace.

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