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Sven Slootweg

@audunmb @baldur There exist more models than just those two that are sustainable, including ones based on volunteer work - but you do need deliberate and sustainable (collective) management of the commons, and that is what is currently missing.

1 comment
I've been worried about where FOSS is heading ever since they coined the term FOSS. The whole nattering on about software licenses is so tiresome. We need power, not permission. By giving permission ourselves, we tacitly agree to allowing them to withhold permission, giving them open license to unbridled exploitation.

No I don't have to declare my software open source, because all software is open source. You're just illegitimately bullying people into ignorance when you close it. Neither of us should be able to close our source code, whether we want to or not.

I've been worried about where FOSS is heading ever since they coined the term FOSS. The whole nattering on about software licenses is so tiresome. We need power, not permission. By giving permission ourselves, we tacitly agree to allowing them to withhold permission, giving them open license to unbridled exploitation.
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