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Troed Sångberg

@baldur You're absolutely right. Just look at the age of open source developers and us GenX:ers who were early inte home computers pop out.

However - I think there is a solution and I think it'll happen for a host of societal reasons outside of open source needs. We will see a lot of countries implementing some form of Basic Income scheme in the somewhat near future.

More than a few people will be happy to live off that while poking away at their favorite piece of code.

Chris Johnson

@troed @baldur Pssst: open source predates GenX’s interest in computers.

Troed Sångberg


O'rly? ;)

You're of course right, don't want anyone to believe I meant we aren't standing on the monitors of our ancestors.


Chris Johnson

@troed @baldur 👍 Agree that UBI if implemented will be a big factor.

Sven Slootweg

@troed @baldur Out of curiosity, have you seen any concrete pointers on basic income (notably, *not* just welfare) being implemented in the near future anywhere?

Because I know that lots of countries are doing 'trials', but they've been doing that for several decades now, and then it never gets talked about again until the next 'trial' that has the exact same outcome.


@troed @baldur why do you expect to see a lot of countries implementing UBI?
Any specific countries?

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