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altruios phasma

So I’m not British, not up to date at all about what’s happen there other than what bits filtered through my feed. The bits that have filtered through are bits about people being falsely labeled as alt-right for pointing out current issues of culture clash, riots, sex trafficking rings… I really don’t think I have a clear picture.

What was the intended goal for this?

My assumption right now is it is trying to find sex/drug trafficking?

Mother Bones


Who is "being falsely labeled as alt-right for pointing out current issues of culture clash"?

altruios phasma

This is probably conflated with years ago - I remember the brexit being basically about immigration… I think I’m thinking of a different country altogether (Germany)… sorry, I’m not informed on what’s going on over there.

Were there people complaining about that time about immigrants and a culture of gang rape that was underreported due to fears of perceived racism? Or is that American news propaganda?

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