@jonathanhogg oh that's super cool! do you have a code sample I could peek at by chance?
the yaml+expr setup was a little out of necessity and is janky at times, but I also like some aspects of it (the file whitespace has to match the structure of the input configuration, so it never gets tooo messy.)
@this_xor_that So I started out using JSON and a little expression language, with an interactive Python frontend for spitting this out from `with` statements and a symbolic expression tree. I wrote Flitter to combine these ideas of describing the visuals as a tree of configuration nodes and a macro language to construct/parameterise the trees. There's a load of examples here:
but, stupidly, I didn't include images in there so you can see quickly what the examples do!
@this_xor_that So I started out using JSON and a little expression language, with an interactive Python frontend for spitting this out from `with` statements and a symbolic expression tree. I wrote Flitter to combine these ideas of describing the visuals as a tree of configuration nodes and a macro language to construct/parameterise the trees. There's a load of examples here: