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People *really* don't understand code ownership do they.

Quite a few people groaned at me and complained I said Microsoft "donated" Mono to the Wine team on @gamingonlinux

"Hurr how can they donate what's FOSS"

Well, they owned it, it was their project (after buying Xamarin).

Yeah it's FOSS, but you can't just take someone else's FOSS project, put it on your GitHub and claim you suddenly own it. You forked it, you don't own the name, the community doesn't come with it etc etc.


@gamingonlinux I get it's a somewhat complicated thing, but it's such a silly thing to basically attack me over. Losers.


@gamingonlinux Then again, I'm also not surprised. Any time anyone in the FOSS community gives Microsoft even a tiny bit of praise, they also become "the enemy".


@gamingonlinux Anyway, I'm just tired today of reading stupid-ass comments from people with seemingly nothing better to do <_<

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