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Greyshley :agummyhug:
got given this old thing (grandpa is replacing it.)
realized there's no HDMI
anyone know what there ports are?
I don't know the cables.
:umu: :umu:
@dhfir it's a DVI but DVI is tricky, it can be both digital and analog. DVI-D is easy convertable to HDMI, and DVI-A to VGA.

The second is coaxial antenna, I don't know what exactly it's for. Probably TV tuner?

The third is PS/2 for mouse and keyboard you may need it if BIOS checks if keyboard is connected. Long one is LPT for printers, and SPDIF for audio, you probably don't need them.
@dhfir it's a DVI but DVI is tricky, it can be both digital and analog. DVI-D is easy convertable to HDMI, and DVI-A to VGA.

The second is coaxial antenna, I don't know what exactly it's for. Probably TV tuner?
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