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q3k :blobcatcoffee:

Just two days left until the first hearing in Newag's lawsuit against us (Dragon Sector members) and SPS. It will take place on 28.08.2024 at 10:00. In case you've missed it, we're being accused of infringing upon Newag's intellectual property and unfair competition. This is, of course, bullshit and a great example of a SLAPP case.

q3k :blobcatcoffee:

The hearing will take place in the 22nd Department of Intellectual Property at Czerniakowska 100 in Warsaw. To those interested are invited to observe on site as audience members, you can refer to the hearing number XXII GW 493/24. Of course, the hearing will be in Polish.

q3k :blobcatcoffee:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the massive support we've received so far - especially to the Security Research Legal Defense Fund and other organizations that we're slowly organizing a crowdfunding campaign to cover our legal costs. But even more so, we'd like to thank each and every one of you who keeps reminding us that we're fighting the good fight. Finally, we want to especially thank our attorney, Zbigniew Krüger, who represents us in this bonkers lawsuit.

q3k :blobcatcoffee:

I'd attach Newag's logo to this post for illustrative purposes, but we don't want to be sued for that too. Instead I'm attaching a symbolic representation of their logo as drawn from my memory.


@q3k oh shit, good luck!! I imagine you won't really need it given the ridiculousness of the charges, but it's probably still stressful...

🗦new🗧 FireFly

@q3k ah bummer, would be a fun excuse for adventures but I can't really do that just yet

anyway best of luck in the hearing, admittedly I'm a bit morbidly curious to see how it'll go for Newag heh

cheering for you from the sidelines over here ^^


Wątpię ale fajnie by było, bo ja się nie mogę zabrać do Warszawy na to.

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