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My dudes, Telegram is not an e2e messaging app like Signal or WhatsApp. Telegram is more like Twitter. It is a social media app that is mostly public content that also happens to have DMs, where you can turn on e2e messaging with questionable cryptography that most people never even bother to use.

Doug Elkin

@evacide I remember that the encryption was sketchy, but didn't know the rest. This is a helpful explanation.


@evacide and turning on e2e disables a lot of the functionalities which are part of the appeal of telegram, making it more useless


The problem as always is the people, not the media... besides, Twitter no longer


I made a channel about yoga and meditation on Telegram. Spectacular, too bad nobody is interested in that topic...

Gold gab ich für Eisen

@yoguiignacio @evacide only until people don't start to send sensitive data over the media.

Sine-Nomine🇵🇸Free Palestine🇵🇸

@evacide may I suggest #Briar a secure, p2p messenger. Can use internet, local WiFi, direct wifi, even Bluetooth. All data held on local devices, not on servers.
Download Briar at

Asil Igarl

@Sine_Nomine @evacide There is another really cool peer-to-peer messenger called Cwtch! It routes all of the traffic through Tor, so it is anonymous as well.

Sine-Nomine🇵🇸Free Palestine🇵🇸

@wirlie @evacide Ooo! I like that! Great share, will have to give that a go!
I also like it's Welsh name! Very cool. 👍🙂


@evacide 3 major failings as a messenger. 1. Not defaulting to e2ee 2. cloud service 3. Omnipotent bots, thus it is not a secure messenger

Whitney Loblaw

@evacide and the company has a track record of not deleting disgusting channels even after people reporting they were publicly spreading offending material.

Andy Mouse


You mean... Like Facebook? Or... Like Twitter? Or... some other channel that is perfectly monitored by US police?

Rest assured, this has nothing to do with censorship or security. This is about clamping down on a communications channel that hasn't actively pruned its leftist and anarchist groups.

Twitter brought back racists, Nazis and fascists while banning leftists. Same with Facebook.

I wonder what will now happen to Telegram?

I wonder why! Is it... because perhaps it was used to coordinate the massive protests in France around pension reform? Because Twitter/Facebook auto-blocks anything that isn't tits and svastikas nowadays?

I really cannot understand why folks still, after all this time, believe the state and the police are watching out for them. Fuck oh Christ in heaven, cum all ye faithful.



You mean... Like Facebook? Or... Like Twitter? Or... some other channel that is perfectly monitored by US police?

Rest assured, this has nothing to do with censorship or security. This is about clamping down on a communications channel that hasn't actively pruned its leftist and anarchist groups.


@evacide Moreover the e2ee doesn't work on multi device scenarios. Only phone to phone works. As for the encryption I cannot say much but if they still use RSA2048 for signatures it is marginal and all use cases of RSA for signing have switched to 3072 bits.

Adelaide Espinoza 💗

@evacide just wanted to ask, how is it similar to Twitter? since the GUI is directed towards DMs and groups with other people, I didn't know its infrastructure was built like that.

Valley of the Dragon

Really? You are billing Meta's WhatsApp as a secure platform? Lolol that really puts the rest of your hot take into context.


Adding to the pile of smelly things : the compilation of Telegram Desktop is as sketchy as it gets. Hundreds of thousands of dependencies ; for comparison, Element Desktop has less than two thousands.


@Goutte it doesn't sound like it's true, do you have a source for that?

From a cursory look at, it only seems to have about 20-somethig direct ones, and most of those don't seem to have further dependencies.



@iliazeus @evacide

I "built" (it's NodeJs-based) it myself about a year ago (did not bother checking the current source tree) ; can't blame you for not believing it, I did not either.

I had to check with a friend. I do build pretty much everything I use, for kicks but also because I find that's a good metric for the general quality of an open-source project.

Please do send me a blip if you find nothing suspicious of the sort, I'm always happy to reevaluate my beliefs. :)


@Goutte erm, are you sure we're talking about the same app? Telegram Desktop is _not_ NodeJS-based, it is a Qt app written in C++. My previous reply has a link to its source code.



@iliazeus @evacide

You are totally right ! It was Signal Desktop that had that many dependencies ; just checked my local clone. I had been compiling Telegram and Element at around the same time, and got mixed up.

Thankfully, you were here.

I'll edit my original post, and profusely apologize to the fedi for such a blunder.


@Goutte from what I've heard, Telegram devs are more of a "reinvent the wheel" folks than "pull hundreds of dependencies" ones :)

Their end-to-end encryption implementation is usually criticized for that, for example.


Kent Ray Willard

@evacide I thought it was just an app for crypto bros to scam each other.


This is a very precise and comprehensive description.

B'ad Samurai 🐐

@evacide and unlike TikTok, api[.]telegram[.]com is one of the most dangerous domains to any organization.


@evacide Always knew that, never saw Telegram as an message app

Matt Cengia (seeking work)

@evacide I wish this was more common knowledge (and Telegram's marketing feels largely to blame)!

John Timaeus


I only spent a little time on Telegram, but it basically seemed like Xitter after the last vestige of redeeming content had been burned away.


@Xorky do you use this? What's it like? 👀

Mildly Amusing Bored Housewife

@evacide Thank you for this. I use it with severel people daily and had no idea!

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