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@sarajw @danhon My first website was when I was 11 in high school. We had a joint project between computing and home economics, where we has to.make a website about our favourite fruit or vegetable.

I made a website in Dreamweaver about carrots, EVERYTHING was orange! It was good fun, I started using the GUI but learned a little HTML so I could do stuff like add audio, cooler gifs, and generally tweak it.
I also recorded a terrible song about carrots on there that caused years of mocking!

Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@accudio I wish my school had a project like that! I imagine you're a little younger than me, but maybe my school was behind. My IT lessons were mostly about making forms in Excel. There probably was a computing A Level to choose at some point, but it wasn't at all on my radar for reasons unknown.


@sarajw not as standard, we had an extremely good computing teacher! That would've been 2007.

The Highlands of Scotland were a bit behind tbh, I had to travel 1 hour to get to my computing lessons when I eventually managed to take a computing Higher (A-level ish) in my final year in 2014.

Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@accudio you're deffo younger than me too πŸ˜† I finished secondary school in 2002 πŸ§“


@sarajw I've just been informed by my boyfriend that he has that song saved for future blackmail

Jak2k πŸ“ž6560@38C3

@accudio @sarajw @danhon
I did HTML and CSS at school too. I was the only one, who already knew it and also used JavaScript. The others used Phase5, a terrible HTML4 editor, while I hand coded HTML5 with the latest browser APIs.

I learned HTML with a book from the library. It was ugly, but a website. One time I had a project called "Neuer Ordner", because I was too lazy to rename it. I don't know whether I still have that… It was in the days, where Brackets still was a common editor.

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