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Ilya Zverev

During the brainstorming for my talk, I suddenly understood another issue with OSMF and our website.

As we all know, the idea behind our website is to showcase a bare minimum about OSM, to allow thousand of other projects grow.

But that should also be work: to facilitate growth, we need to make those projects visible. On the website, not buried in the wiki.

We need to replace the map with a curated list of projects.

Having a map on is the worst possible option. Nobody else does that.

Michael Brandtner

@zverik I 100% agree, how can we accomplish that? Who do we need to convince?

Ilya Zverev


The first step would be to get a "go" from the OSMF to change the website, moving the map further down in favor of other stuff.

Then a temporary group for planning the front page should be formed, with representatives from EWG and CWG. Knowing what goes on the page, we could continue with choosing the tools and making the first draft.

The change will break hundreds of websites and services, so the main thing would be to not go down in legacy support.

Michael Brandtner

@zverik Ok, but I guess it won't be enough for you or me to write an email to convince the OSMF? Should we start a discussion in the forums to get the community behind this?

Ilya Zverev


It must be a Board initiative. Community has no voice in the website direction. We have been over this multiple times. Tickets get closed, discussions fizzle out without institutional buy-in.

Ilya Zverev

@mmd_osm @MBrandtner

Absolutely not like that. We don't need automated things there — besides maybe an event calendar.


@zverik If you want a place to start: when viewing a changeset (e.g. ) it's a perfect opportunity to link to various other websites that offer much more useful diff viewing. I somehow knew about OSMCha, but just discovered achavi a few minutes ago pretty randomly. Adding links to these external viewers in would eliminate the frustration of having to seek out a proper diff for a newbie.

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