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Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

Priorities. So important.

- EU-Petition to keep video games playable by forcing the publishers to NOT remove essential functions: 302.000 signatures in less than a month. [1]

- EU-Petition to tax the rich and keep our planet inhabitable: 271.000 signatures after 10 months. [2]

If you care about playing your games, please also support the other petition to make sure you still can do that and many other things, ok? :)


Petition called "Stop Destroying Videogames"
"Stop Destroying Videogames" petition objectives:

This initiative calls to require publishers that sell or license videogames to consumers in the European Union (or related features and assets sold for videogames they operate) to leave said videogames in a functional (playable) state.
Specifically, the initiative seeks to prevent the remote disabling of videogames by the publishers, before providing reasonable means to continue functioning of said videogames without the involvement from the side of the publisher.
The initiative does not seek to acquire ownership of said videogames, associated intellectual rights or monetization rights, neither does it expect the publisher to provide resources for the said videogame once they discontinue it while leaving it in a reasonably functional (playable) state.

302496 of 1.000.000 signatures collected
Petition called "Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition
Objectives of "Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition"

This initiative calls on the European Commission to establish a European tax on great wealth. This would contribute to the Union’s own resources, and the revenue would make it possible to amplify and perpetuate European ecological and social transition and development cooperation policies, cofunded by the Member States. The contribution would be used to combat climate change and inequality and would help to ensure that European citizens pay their fair share towards achieving these objectives.

271.107 of 1.000.000 signatures collected
Ankit Pati

@jwildeboer I say each vote for playing games should also count towards keeping the planet habitable—modulo deduplication—because *of course* the former implies the latter!

Earth Notes

@ankitpati @jwildeboer Sadly I don't think that entirely correct connection is really made in many many heads.


I, too, have only signed one petition.

what's up with video games?

Arnel Šarić Sharan :verified:

@sonic81 @jwildeboer for example, 2K games remove multiplayer features after two years, rendering half of the game unplayable. They're basically forcing you to buy new games every year.

William Canna-bass

@jwildeboer #Boosting as I am not a resident of the EU (although I wish I was)

David Hembrow

@jwildeboer I signed one of them. The one that's actually important.

🫐 Certified fox girl
@jwildeboer it's not like the eu hasn't heard of the concept of taxation. Just because an initiative gets enough votes doesn't mean it will achieve anything, unlike an initiative to keep video games playable, which has an actual real chance to do something
Otis Scops aka Crash Course

The whole thing about the games is about an extractive/exploitative, capitalistic system that underlies this. Which is essentially also the source of all this richness that should be taxed.

So, maybe don't bother to much about symptom management, but tackle the source of the problem: mega capitalism.


@jwildeboer is there another place where there is more details about the 'tax the rich' petition? Like what the definition of 'great wealth' is and what exactly it would be used for? That abstract is quite vague

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@jasuu Sure, as mentioned in the linked petition page, you can find a lot more on the details at and the other pages on that site.


@jwildeboer @jasuu Thanks for the link - that was educational, and the overall proposal seems both reasonable and moderated at a glance.

A* Ulven Hey I signed the "Tax the Rich" initiative as soon as it was out!

I like the videogames one but honestly I don't care that much.

Nina Felwitch :v_trans:

@jwildeboer apparently I have already supported both and can't do so again 🤷‍♀️

Nafeon the Beaw

@jwildeboer very good approach. We should share them together. I'm very sure people who would sign one would also sign the other.



Thanks for informing me about two very important initiatives.

Germany has already reached its threshold but I guess one more can't hurt.

🌙 ▪️▪️▪️ 🦇

@jwildeboer I think this doesn't prove that gamers don't care about taxing the rich, it just shows that gamers are better connected and shared that specific petition and might have not heard about the other one.


@jwildeboer Don't think the shaming regarding priorities is going to change the minds of those you want to reach. Both are important in different ways and there's a good chance awareness of one doesn't mean awareness of the other.

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@nini If you read my post as shaming, then you are reading it very different from what I intended to do. I definitely didn't mean to shame anyone. I just wanted to connect the two things. Because it struck me as slightly ironic to fight for perpetual use of games when the world surrounding us is falling apart.


@jwildeboer We can fight for two things, neither cost the other in terms of signatories. I'd assume the difference is because one seems very doable whereas the other feels insurmountable so picking a battle you might actually win is better than one you might get a very marginal victory at best.


@jwildeboer Eh, we've had the same in Poland. Autocratic government taking over the police force, replacing the constitutional court? Mhm, sounds bad.

A radio DJ who led the charts for 35 years gets fired for not removing a song criticizing the party's boss (and I think it made 2nd place)? Outrage!

Many systemic changes seem too highlevel to most people.


@jwildeboer I don't think gamers have shame, so shaming them doesn't work.

Plus you have a big YouTuber push right now for this video game law.

Instead hating on the game, pun intended, get as organized as us nerds in our basements fighting corporations destroying our favorite hobby and entertainment and also technically stealing from it's customers.


@jwildeboer Thanks, didn’t know about the second one. ✍️

Jimmy Hoke


Well the video game thing is at least doable.


@jwildeboer первое и правда звучит разумно.
Хотя ещё вопрос, как именно это будет сформулировано в законе и как именно большие компании это смогут интерпретировать.
И не понятно, как должны обстоять дела в случае с временным игровым контентом.


@jwildeboer the save games petition is flawed. See here for an in depth explanation

Christiaan Moleman

@rudgrr @jwildeboer an extremely disingenuous 'explanation' filled with absurd straw-man arguments and misrepresentation. The petition initiative is fine, it's that Pirate video that's full of holes.

Daniel S. Reichenbach

@jwildeboer signed both. Preservation was the primary reason me and a few buddies made #worldofwarcraft private servers Open Source and available to everyone with MaNGOS. 😊

Christiaan Moleman

@jwildeboer I only learned of the Tax the Rich initiative by accidentally stumbling upon it while browsing the EU site for the Stop Killing Games one.

This is not a priorities problem, but a PR problem. You can't vote for an initiative you don't know exists and clearly they haven't spread the word effectively.

Christiaan Moleman

@jwildeboer The games one got more votes in two weeks than the tax one did in almost a year! This despite proposing ideas that have widespread popular support.

1) I think they made a mistake only having French-speaking presenters with subtitles in their presentation, no English speakers. Unfortunately many people are too lazy to read subtitles so you immediately limit your reach that way.

2) Stop Killing Games is led and actively promoted by a popular youtuber with a large following.

Christiaan Moleman


3) I ran into a weird technical issue where the EU site wouldn't let me use the same ID method to sign both petitions, like I was trying to sign the same one twice??? Had to pick a different method for the other petition. Another stumbling block that might cause others to not bother.

4) Where is the promotion for this petition across all (social) media? It hasn't even made the news here.


@jwildeboer BTW your toot is not publicly visitable, if I visit it's a 404. Just if someone tries rto share it…

It's strange as it is marked as being pubic.

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