oh... THAT game :megarofl:

The one so "post-modern" that "nobody got it", it caused controversy and made the author say "something" controversial about games in response to that, causing more controversy? (also the golden lemonade alpaca incident) Lmao.

Anyway, the game feels more like a rush job with design decisions that are "weird" for the sake of "weird". Can't even tell where padding out is intentional to put forward a point or not.

Battle meechanics are like minigames within the battle itself and they are poorly thought out and pad the gameplay out.

The writing itself is rather inept. Dialogues feel awkward for the most part, and monologues... oh the monologues! Main character does it a lot.

Speaking of, wouldn't say the protagonist is a "self-insert". It's a claim that got no straight up proof, it's a claim often used to bash characters or disliked devs/writers.
Main character is just a jerk, monologues by himself to himself a lot and is unintentinally hillarious for that (you laught AT him for it, since nothing was really done in writing to sympathise with him) and his "coming of age/to senses" arc is not properly handled.
Maybe something in this character was pulled from the developer's life, but it's nothing to really bash devs or characters for (heck, the character looks nothing like the developer/writer either, so what is this "self-insert" claim again?).
The main character ended up more of a writer's pet and a scrappy than anything else. He is hated by players, but the author loves him a lot (and loved him in the first place).

From what I heard the game is getting updates addressing criticisms, but time will tell how well the game was retooled and how its writing was reframed.