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Michael Marek

"recently" - That makes me smile a lot. The judgement from Munich is from January 2022.
The connection or embedding via external URLs of Google Fonts, or those of Adobe, Fontawesome or similar providers, have been an issue for much longer and all(!) cannot be used in compliance with the GDPR.
Simply because it doesn't have to be and fonts can also be integrated from your ‘own’ web server.

Michael Marek

The weak point is that, in my experience over the last few years, over 90% of CMS, plugin and theme(!) developers are not interested at all, they continue to use Google & Co. out of convenience and they often only had a ‘tired smile’ when I asked them. (Incidentally, this is one of the reasons why I left the WordPress world). They leave users who have little or no CSS knowledge completely on their own...

Michael Marek

And: Cloudflare is not a real alternative for German and, for the most part, European websites. A lot of data is transmitted to the USA there too... But if I start writing more about this and take a closer look at Microsoft and Apple, this already far too long post will turn into a novel ;-)
3/n - final

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