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h3artbl33d 🐡

Telegram shot itself in the foot - again. Their website states the following bullshit:

"Cloud chat data is stored in multiple data centers around the globe that are controlled by different legal entities spread across different jurisdictions. The relevant decryption keys are split into parts and are never kept in the same place as the data they protect"


"several court orders from different jurisdictions are required to force us to give up any data"

Meanwhile, they handed data over to German feds:

Please. Telegram is not secure. It is, in fact, worse than WhatsApp.

Alexander Bochmann

@h3artbl33d There was also this in a recent Twitter thread (of an account now suspended): "This is all thanks to an exploit in October of 2019 that allowed one to access the group page with recent messages if proper permissions were not set up. At the time of writing this, the team at Telegram have been contacted about this. I've only ever seen two people mention this exploit in passing, one in person and one on Twitter, so I know I was not the only one."

@h3artbl33d There was also this in a recent Twitter thread (of an account now suspended): "This is all thanks to an exploit in October of 2019 that allowed one to access the group page with recent messages if proper permissions were not set up. At the time of writing this, the team at Telegram have been contacted about this. I've only ever seen two people mention this exploit in passing, one in person and one on Twitter, so I know I was not the only one."

Alexander Bochmann

@h3artbl33d Have yet to see any more information about that exploit, but then I haven't really gone looking.

Parade du Grotesque 💀

@galaxis @h3artbl33d

I also seem to recall there was a big fuss made over telegram encryption, as it was designed internally, and not really published or peer reviewed. I could be wrong, though.

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