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Deb E.

@elhult @kurtseifried @kevinrns @ghorwood Personally, I run a "Personal/default" profile, which is just me, and I have a work profile, and a writer profile, and a profile I manage to easily manage my son's accounts that he's old enough to use but too young to have the passwords for ...

I often run 3 browser sessions at the same time (personal, writer, work) & flick between as I move through my daily tasks for each ...


@debe @kurtseifried @kevinrns @ghorwood thanks for the practical example. What benefits does the profiles bring you? Active session (e.g. staying logged-in on a site with multiple different accounts)? Tabs-as-bookmark? Privacy? The graphical compartementalization helping the mind separate things? Something else?

Deb E.

@elhult @kurtseifried @kevinrns @ghorwood Yeah, basically all those. Each profile opens with my usual tabs for each life role. I find it lets me multitask while providing some clear separation, reduces me having to log out & back into the few sites I use in more than one capacity ...

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