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Free Software Foundation Europe

Reach the @EUCommission to ask for sustainable funding for #freesofware ‼️

As individual, contacting European representatives is helpful to shift opinions. As the allocation of funds for #HorizonEU 2025 is still going on, there is still a chance to get funds available for @EC_NGI

Sebastian Lasse

@fsfe @EUCommission @EC_NGI

All what we ever needed was about 20.000€ for the most awesome fediverse software you can think off.

Horizon is not the thing for incubation. We do not have payed jobs for lobbyists who build consortiums and do a month paperwork.
There is absolutely _nothing_ to get things started (applied 5 times in 3 different teams for nothing, only waste of time) -

We have nothing and all community events in Open Protocols were payed by our private money until nothing was left. I did always give, EU always fucked up democracy.
One day this will get violent and last at „Public Spaces“ AMS, I described why in detail

Our events are all free for anybody.
First one in Prague ff.

We are neither the exclusive Google Conf nor do we extort @EC_Commissioner_Breton

We do not want to be the slaves of the EU-hypercapitalist walled-gardens!
United in Diversity they said.
Lost all trust in the „EU“.

@fsfe @EUCommission @EC_NGI

All what we ever needed was about 20.000€ for the most awesome fediverse software you can think off.

Horizon is not the thing for incubation. We do not have payed jobs for lobbyists who build consortiums and do a month paperwork.
There is absolutely _nothing_ to get things started (applied 5 times in 3 different teams for nothing, only waste of time) -

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