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Ach kuck, wo die sich überall rumtreiben...

Paul Förster :verified_blue:

@jeff While I did contemplate this I prefer the shorter word. Still, both are good. 🤣

Jos Dingjan

@paulfoerster And both will happily sing 🎶 mud, mud, glorious mud 🎶! #FlandersAndSwann


🎶He walks like an elephant
He swims like a whale
His head's like a pail, it's pathetic
Plainly his tail's unaesthetic
Though nature endowed him poorly
I still love the hippo dearly
My H-I-P-P-O-P-O-T-A-T-O-M-U-S 🎶

Eelco de Rook

@paulfoerster Miniatuur van onschatbare waarde… betreft het puur goud?

Joe Vilas

Hey @darth, this might be of interest. :) 🥔🥔🥔

Larry Smith

Which reminds me.

Behold the hippopotamus
We laugh at how he looks to us
And yet in moments dank and grim
I wonder how we look to him
Have peace thou hippopotamus
You really look all right to us
And you no doubt delight the eye
Of another Hippopotami

Larry Smith

I should say the hippopotamus poem was by Ogden Nash . I just recall it from my childhood.


@paulfoerster Die könnte ich nicht mehr essen! Hat zu viel Charakter!

A: I saw a hippo in a potato
B: Oh Jesus ...
A: No a hippo.

thank you thank you, here all week, try the buffet I hear it's divine ...

Will DP :flag_rainbow:

@paulfoerster I was sure this was a kitty in the loaf position. Guess I have cats on the brain!

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