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Alistair K

@nddev @Kay @anne_twain @Gustodon @georgepenney We're gradually getting those here, too, also at public libraries.


@libroraptor @nddev @Kay @anne_twain @Gustodon @georgepenney as recently as 25 years ago, libraries *were* "quiet hours" in most places in the US. Then they started moving to "quiet rooms" and not particularly enforcing even that.

Perhaps this does get more people in the library, though I'm not among them. These days I just checkout ebooks, or occasionally reserve something and go in and out as fast as possible.

Kay :heart_bi: replied to Jon

@oddhack @libroraptor @nddev @anne_twain @Gustodon @georgepenney Wellington City Libraries (NZ) are civilized places and while mostly quietish, they're not silent. They also allow visitors to eat there although they request not smelly or messy food please. I've been known to spend hours at a library in between other engagements. Free Wifi, comfy furniture, restrooms, and if you have a packed lunch, food too. My local branch Te Awe has a cafe too.

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