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「 Berigoo Fristi 」

waaaah quit theming my appyou know, if your app breaks on some random theme change, maybe the fault is not with distro maintainers. If they look broken the moment you use any theme but the default theme, maybe you should stop making all sorts of gimmicky custom gui shit instead of using what GTK provides you with.

And let me go on record here that I fucking HATE your gimmicky shit. Here's why I hate it and why I think your app SUCKS if you pull this shit:

- your flashy custom gimmick does not blend in with the rest of the gnome desktop. This is jarring to the end user and not nice.
- it may present things in ways not consistent with other apps, making it unintuitive and sometimes downright annoying to use for the end user.
- end users use themes for more than just aesthetic reasons (notably high-contrast users), don't deny such users an app because you couldn't be arsed to test it under different themes.
- testing under several most commonly used themes is not fucking difficult. At least fucking test against the high-contrast and ubuntu theme, the former exists on your system by default and the other is usually 1 command away from installing.
- similarly to visual themes, users may use other icon themes for other reasons than just aesthetics. They may use an icon theme with more clearly depicting action icons and such. If your app do desperately needs a very special icon that remains the same, then use a custom added non-system icon. This is easy, stop whining.
but waaaah our beef is with the distros!fucking BULLSHIT. It makes no goddamn difference if the distro does some theming or the end user. The result is the same, your app looks like shite because you're too lazy to doublecheck if your stupid shit works right with the theming engine.

Separately, distros have as much a right to theme and tailor how their distro looks as the end user. It is a distro's responsibility to make their package base look consistent and friendly to end users, both for the sake of it looking good on the eye, as well as for the sake of having things be consistent and intuitive to the user. With as big as a package base can be, this can be a difficult job. So no, you have no right to complain. It is YOUR JOB as a dev to properly test your software, both in how it works and how it looks. It is not the job of the distro maintainers to make sure your special snowflake app is being respected. If they had to do that for each and every app out there, there would be no distro to begin with.

Yes I'm 200% platinum mad, learn how to write a fucking program. If you care so much about looks, go write your shit as an electron app with html+css so you have complete control over making your app as inconsistent and fucked as possible.




「 Berigoo Fristi 」 tldr: whiny devs complain because distros use different themes and it breaks the gimmicky looks on their apps, and I'm calling them out on their bullshit because distros have as much right to tune the looks of their default setup as the end user has. It is the responsibility of the app dev to double check if their shit works with theme engines, custom icon themes and the works. Not anyone else's.



why don't people just draw their GUIs with html, css and js?


Progressive Web App[..]web apps[..]easier and faster to visit a website than to install an application[..]native apps are better integrated with the operating system[..]it works offline[..]PWAs give us the ability to create web apps that can enjoy these same advantages.

Amolith electron is the worst thing to happen to the desktop app space in many years


@amolith @fristi


「 Berigoo Fristi 」 because there's no consistency. When designing a desktop space, ideally you'd want applications to have similar looks and layouts, within reason. This makes the whole desktop ecosystem intuitive and friendly to use. For example, most windows applications from win95 to winXP were mostly all windows forms applications, using the exact same elements to structure the gui, making things easily recognizable at a glance. The added bonus is that everything looked consistent, and therefore, polished and professional.

Electron apps and such comparable "web apps on the desktop" do not follow any paradigm that the desktop ecosystem provides. They don't look consistent because they're all differently themed websites in a container. Structurally, they don't make use of any existing gui widgets or other parts of the toolkit, so no one such app looks or acts the same as any other. One app has a menu on the left; one on the right; one might not have any. One may have it's own inconsistent window decorations that break interoperability with the desktop. One may extensively use right-click submenus; one acts like the right mouse button doesn't exist.

The end result is that everything just looks and acts inconsistent. Maybe for us techies that's not an issue because we've got the analytical capabilities of a robot, but I can guarantee you that this is HELL on people who are not used to working a computer.

This btw isn't even just a problem on the desktop. Android/iOS apps are notorious for this too, mostly because neither set proper standards from the get go when they were conceived. This is why some people can't figure out smartphones either. because there's no consistency. When designing a desktop space, ideally you'd want applications to have similar looks and layouts, within reason. This makes the whole desktop ecosystem intuitive and friendly to use. For example, most windows applications from win95 to winXP were mostly all windows forms applications, using the exact same elements to structure the gui, making things easily recognizable at a glance. The added bonus is that everything...

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