Do you have the link to the Telegram message? I don't know much about Telegram but I'd like to take a screenshot without the translation. If not I can try to find it myself
By the way, I don't know if this interested you at all but last Saturday, we were reading Isaiah 1:1-27 as preparation for Tuesday's fast. The whole section is worth reading, but of particular relevance is verse 21: "Alas, she has become a whore,
The faithful city
That was filled with justice,
Where righteousness dwelt—
But now murderers."
And of course Lamentations itself, written about 150 years later by the Prophet Jeremiah, will sound familiar, like a recurring nightmare.
By the way, I don't know if this interested you at all but last Saturday, we were reading Isaiah 1:1-27 as preparation for Tuesday's fast. The whole section is worth reading, but of particular relevance is verse 21: "Alas, she has become a whore,
The faithful city
That was filled with justice,
Where righteousness dwelt—
But now murderers."
@alter_kaker the photo of the mourning father is from Monday/Tuesday as that’s when his family was killed