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Dave Anderson

"Electronics isn't magic"

"Also, here is the protective sigil to cast when working with DRAM"


@danderson we have poisoned stone and forced it to think with lightning.

Dave Anderson

@jpm @Taco_lad I think I heard it's something to do with keeping the eyes open, although I suspect that by doing so, you see things our minds were not meant to see. Hence the protective sigil.


@danderson @Taco_lad aka alll electronics are cursed in one way or another

Scarred and Terraformed

@jpm @danderson @Taco_lad it's like a PERT chart but y'know, intelligible or useful


@danderson Electro-magic-netics is my name for eletromagnetics because it fricking is. Digital electronics are just captured and channeled magic. Abstracted magic if you will. Or magitech if you want to sound cool.

Happy chanting!

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