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Julia Evans

selling these posters is really an experiment -- I don't know if we'll ever print another poster yet!

we printed 500 of this poster and I think if we sell 100-150 of them I’ll call it a success. so far we've sold 30 so it's looking good!

Ross Wintle

@b0rk I’d buy this and the Git Cheatsheet if they could be shipped to the UK cheaply. 😢

Julia Evans

@ross yeah international shipping is always rough, here are the UK shipping rates!

Lazy B0y

@ross @b0rk i’d pay some fee to for the creators but would print them myself as i don’t want them to be shipped from US to EU

Lazy B0y

@b0rk “computers are always logical” but the human made software they run isn’t necessarily ;)

Jeremy Kahn

Bought one right away!

Please don't rush mailing mine; I'm traveling through the end of the month.

I think I'm gonna frame it for my home office 😆

Julia Evans

@trochee awesome thanks!

it should ship within a week or so no matter what, we don’t have much control over that

Jeremy Kahn

@b0rk no worries, it'll be there when we get back!

Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 🇺🇦


Explaining the problem to somebody else always helps.

Norman Wilson

@b0rk I just need to figure out where I can fit another poster!

Kevin Miller

@b0rk this poster is dope. If I worked with a team colocated I would have this up for everyone.

Joe Crawford

@b0rk I’m a fan of your zines and of Riso and will be delighted to put this on my wall.

Mark Dominus

@b0rk So glad that #3 is immediately followed by #4.

My "good advice and maxims for programmers" from 199? has "Looking for a compiler bug is the strategy of LAST resort. LAST resort."

(Most of it is not actually good advice, but I think that bit holds up.)

Adam Vartanian

@mjd @b0rk I once tracked a problem down to an actual factual compiler bug and I felt like I had won the lottery.

Mark Dominus

@flooey @b0rk

"I feel as though I have accidentally spotted the Loch Ness Monster, or Bigfoot, or something like that, a strange and legendary monster that until now I thought most likely didn't exist."

Mark Dominus

@b0rk Here's Jeff Atwood's version of this, also inferior to your way of expressing it: "The First Rule of Programming: It's Always Your Fault".

Julia Evans

@mjd yeah in general I find that debugging advice is often very… condescending? and it makes me mad

Brett R

@mjd @b0rk The rules I teach my students are "the success or failure of you code is usually entirely due to you" and "the goal is to find the exact line of code that is not working as expected".

Mark Dominus

@swiftone @b0rk I call that "the Finger of Blame".

My kid was taking a programming class last year and I explained: "The goal here is to point the Finger of Blame: What part of the code is really responsible for the problem? First you accuse the code that actually prints the wrong result. Then that code says “Nuh uh, it was like that when I got it, go blame that other guy that gave it to me.” Eventually you find the smoking gun."

Julia would probably have a less recriminatory way of putting it.

Mark Dominus

@b0rk I think 99% of the people in the world would have written a version of this that I had some cranky but significant objection to. I saw the title and my heart sank. Then I saw it was from you and felt a glimmer of hope.

And then it made me happy.

Thanks for being a shining city on a hill.

James :fedora: :sway:

@b0rk Does free shipping over $50 count with the poster too? Or is it the exception?

Julia Evans

@jameskupke it’s an exception sadly because it ships separately from everything else


@b0rk Ooo, I love this! Been looking for a poster to put behind my desk in the new office and this is perfect.


@b0rk i have ordered this and will be framing and nailing it in the main cs computing lab at bristol uni where i teach as soon as it arrives. The debugging bear will be placed solemnly underneath it if anyone requires any help

Julia Evans

also if you love the debugging manifesto poster I'd recommend checking out Inner Loop Press's other work at, Tanya has so many incredible posters and zines

“bloomers”, a colourful riso poster with flowers
“memory leak”, a poster with a lot of colourful shapes
a riso printed poster: with a character reclining, saying “leisure! do nothing, participate today!”
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