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Ms. Que Banh

@mike_malaska I've only seen albino wild deer twice & both times, they were female. I've never seen an albino buck before! This is incredible!

Mike Malaska

@PhoenixSerenity And this is a first for me seeing anything albino out in the wild.

Ms. Que Banh

@mike_malaska I'm very happy for your first wild albino wildlife sighting! For some reason, we get several different albino wildlife in PNW area of BC. We have some albino ravens, porpoises, orcas, otters & some other albino wildlife that show themselves to humans on rare occasions.


@PhoenixSerenity @mike_malaska And here all I've ever seen was a dirty albino urban squirrel chewing on a McDonald's bag in the middle of the road. :-/

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