@vitaut as long as that lady did not unscrew the bottom of the potato masher and pull the fuse, she'd be just fine. No such safety system for the c++ folks. @vitaut The difference is that the C++ engineers know that it's a hand grenade but insist that they are nevertheless able to hammer with it safely. @sir_toootenstein @vitaut @geerlingguy just needs that one edge case no-one thought about then the whole thing goes π₯ @blenderfox @vitaut @geerlingguy But except from that it has the potential of writing very elegant code. Left: Chinese woman discovers she's been using a hand grenade as a hammer for the last twenty years. Right: Mokey Puppet Meme with the caption "C++ engineers" @vitaut Chinese fireworks shop, everyone smoking and the place literally packed with explosives |
@vitaut When all you have is a hand grenade, every problem looks like a nail.