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The link you share require a login, so I think another link type can allow us to show the content without being logged.

Christopher Phin

@C_Chell @renard I have no love for Reddit the company especially following the API debacle, but I don’t believe this is true. Content should be viewable without logging in. I’m happy to be corrected! The original comment suggested there was something specific about /s/ links, but I’m not familiar with this issue.

(My inclusion of the link was more just about giving appropriate credit, fwiw.)

Renard :bh_s_u:

@chrisphin @C_Chell adding to that, the /s/ links works as any URL shortener with a lot of tracking elements built-in. This includes Reddit tracking who created the link and how "successful" it is, tracking user accounts following the links and when, etc, etc. Just use the regular URL.

Christopher Phin

@renard @C_Chell I always nix any UTM handlers when sharing links partly for that reason. But also: this is just what I get when I hit the Share button in the Reddit app. (RIP, Apollo.) I don’t know I get ‘the regular URL’.


To get the regulat URL, I go on the subreddit main page and saerch terms "one pixel wide font" and the copy the link.
I'm on PC so maybe on pocket computerthe Reddit app doesn't allow that without tracking.

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