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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Evv1L I prefer doom as a benchmark, because, in the end of the day, Bad Apple is just an animation, while Doom is a full-blown game.

Evv1L :blobcatlaptop:

@drq yea, but when screen is just 2 colors Bad Apple is still an option :)

You can still try to play it in 60 FPS tho

Григорий Клюшников

Evv1L, the main difference imo is that Doom requires a lot more RAM. You need to keep the map and textures there at all times because they're accessed every frame. Bad Apple can run on very memory-constrained devices because you can stream it from storage as long as you come up with a suitable compression format for your particular device.

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@drq Bad Apple is still a benchmark, though it leans more to general graphical/audio/computational testing (and also programming and optimization exercise).

I remember someone here on Fedi trying to animate Bad Apple on PICO-8 (with some caveats).

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