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shac ron β‚ͺβ€Ž

@vitaut When all you have is a hand grenade, every problem looks like a nail.


@vitaut that's called polymorphism, right?

Sepi Girardi

@vitaut as long as that lady did not unscrew the bottom of the potato masher and pull the fuse, she'd be just fine. No such safety system for the c++ folks.

Eva Chaos


We actually feel that way about the C people.

Greg Parker

@vitaut The difference is that the C++ engineers know that it's a hand grenade but insist that they are nevertheless able to hammer with it safely.


@vitaut #alttext4you

Left: Chinese woman discovers she's been using a hand grenade as a hammer for the last twenty years.

Right: Mokey Puppet Meme with the caption "C++ engineers"

Human after all

@vitaut Chinese fireworks shop, everyone smoking and the place literally packed with explosives

Sean Murthy

@vitaut so, proves it's not at all dangerous?

Ihar Filipau


Should become a text book definition of "WORKS-FOR-ME".

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