I feel like absolute shit. Horrible. Awful. Shittyfuck fuck fuck.

But something awesome happened.

I met Smokey!

Doing a rare office day. A few minutes away I spot this huge fluffy grey creature. He reminds me of a cat I used to have who looked a bit like Ron Perlman.

I stopped. Smokey scremmed. I took a picture and said hello.

A woman came over and said “Smokey!”

“Ohh Smokey, good name. Is he yours?”

“No he’s a wild cat, we all feed him in the area “(I was next to a council estate)

“Oh that’s nice, you’ve been taking care of him well”

“He’s been missing for a year!”

I moved on quickly as she was so startled she got on the phone immediately to a neighbour or family member, telling them that Smokey had turned up! Yay Smokey :)

Welcome home Smokey!! 🎉🎉
