He was an Admiral, the #Prime_Minister, and became #Spains_First_Astronaut when he was launched 66 feet into the air, and over the top of his church onto a second story balcony on the other side of the building.

They just don't make Mopars (a 1972 Dodge 3700 GT) like they used to back on 20 December 1973 when #Luis_Carrero_Blanco was #assassinated during a spectacular Intraplanetary #liftoff at 9:36 in the morning.

It must have been a #Hemi.

He actually survived for about 40 minutes following the #suborbital_flight and died at the hospital at 10:15am. His body guard and chauffer lived a wee bit longer than that.

He was a real motherfucker too. #Franco's right hand man actually, and about as devious as one could be, operating a virtual government within the government.

180 pounds of dynamite placed in a tunnel under the street next to his church provided necessary propulsion for the launch of his #Mopar rocket ship, propelling him over the five story church as his car was driving away following his attendance at mass.

Had this bitch not met his demise that day, it is doubtful the #monarchy would have been restored. #Juan_Carlos_I would likely never have been crowned #King_of_Spain, establishing a democratic republic and creating a free state.

Holy #Virgin_Galactic, Batman! Can you say, "E" ticket?

#tallship #Vger #Boom_Shakalaka
