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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Reduce, reuse, recycle.


- In order to reduce, there need to be proper infrastructure to compensate for the thing being reduced;
- In order to reuse, things need to be durable and easily maintainable, modularly upgradable and repairable;
- If you go to the recycle step ignoring the first two, you've already lost.

As we see, just "changing consumer habits" doesn't work.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


@drq Arguably Right to Repair matters for both 1 & 2.

If you can only replace the memory in a device instead of having to buy a whole new one, it reduces its footprint in comparison to buying a whole new device.

And likewise, if the parts are replaceable, then it's reusable and similarly reduces its footprint.

Same argument against tivoization, when official support ends, being able to use alternatives instead of having to buy a new device is much better.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@lispi314 The key words have been spoken: "buy new device". This is why they do it. This is their easy money. And they can't have losing that.


@drq Indeed, there are just no market incentives to do it when abusing users is simply more profitable *and* legal.

Nevermind environmental externalities, that's not in our quarterly report.


@drq recycling is the only part seriously affecting output. So forcing recycling implicitly forces repairablity and reusability of hard to recycle things.


The first one is _refuse_. Meaning don't buy / accept things you don't need. Things people don't have don't need to be manufactured, maintained, disposed of. This is the most important part.

For "reuse", vote with your wallet: get reusable/repairable things. More of these will be made and less of the throwaway kind. Usually there are options.

Always remember that you are doing this together with millions of others. Together we can change what gets made and how.

The first one is _refuse_. Meaning don't buy / accept things you don't need. Things people don't have don't need to be manufactured, maintained, disposed of. This is the most important part.

For "reuse", vote with your wallet: get reusable/repairable things. More of these will be made and less of the throwaway kind. Usually there are options.


@drq I disagree: it's really easy to reduce if you don't fall for marketing/consumerism.

Reuse is easy: just donate your old stuff to charities.

Recycle is great for the stuff that you are forced to get: plastic/cardboard on food...

Данила Горелко

reduce, reuse, recycle, shaRe, repair, reconfigure, reprogram, repurpose

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