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Haters in shambles! My Rust compiler (written in 100% C with no extensions) can now parse basic expressions.

A Rust expression followed by a syntax tree describing that expression.
pinkforest(she/her) 🦀

@notgull I've been thinking cutting the chains off to LLVM and hook the AST business to binaryen for specialist wasm use-case - involving multi-memories - How difficult .. or enjoyable lol ^o^ .. did you find doing the AST bit in C without hooking to the comp internal crate that does the AST via FFI ?


@pinkforest It's certainly not as easy as it is in Rust. However I find it pretty easy for 1:1 relations (e.g. a binary operation having two exprs as children). It gets rough for 1:N relations (like arrays and tuples).

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