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Luna, but on a new instance

Experimenting with long-exposure photography via live webcams; averaged pixel values and brightest pixel values over a three-hour exposure of the Sydney harbour, using video scraped from

A long exposure of the Sydney harbour at night. The waves of the water have been smoothed out, giving a gorgeous glossy appearace.
A long exposure of the Sydney harbour at night, this time using the brightest pixels instead of averaging them. Light trails from cars, boats, and planes adorn the bridge, water, and sky respectively.

@luna the time stamp is a lovely detail somehow 😅

geekylou :transgender_flag:

@luna Can you increase the dynamic range and lower the noise by doing that like we do with astrophotography?


@luna That's indeed extremly fun ! And can finally use software I never had chance to use (Siril for Image stacking here :D )


@luna that's a really cool idea! the results are pretty interesting too. i especially like the averaged pixel value one, it creates a really dreamy, ethereal effect. definitely makes me want to experiment with long-exposure webcam photography myself.

Daniel Bohrer

@luna wow, the first image has great lighting!

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