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Dr. Quadragon ❌

What I fear the most is that, by washing out copyleft licensing in favour of permissive licensing, the movement basically gets atomized. We revert to that naïve individualism which is yes - highly seductive, but it's what's eventually going to be our collective undoing. Because we don't have that end-user protection anymore. We don't have a competitive edge over the non-freedom, we basically brought everything on the silver platter to people who don't subscribe to any definition of freedom in software at all, and couldn't care less about free usage, study, distribution or modification of software, it's just not in their interest.

An incredibly grim picture. I hope I am overrreacting.

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Dr. Quadragon ❌

That said, I'm not knocking on the permissive licensing just on principle - it has its place, just like any tool.

Just for our own sake, this place is not *everywhere*, please, goddamn it.

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