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@jsnell @dcrooks @9to5Mac it really sounds like you are not considering the case of intimate partner surveillance, which is what this sounds like a defense for to me. I am not sure this is the perfect solution to the problem, but “remind me never” is not tenable if an abuser might have physical access and your password at a point in time; it’s important to never give *anything* infinite silent background persistence.


@jsnell @dcrooks @9to5Mac (I anticipate that I, personally, am also going to find this very annoying, but I can see why it’s there.)

David Crooks 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@glyph @jsnell @9to5Mac A fair point - but I feel like there is a better balance to be had here.


@dcrooks @jsnell @9to5Mac I don’t really disagree, this does seem like kind of an arbitrary cadence that probably privileges apple’s own products in dubious ways (do you have to re-enable FaceTime’s camera and screen recording access every week? I am guessing “no”) but still that is the sort of problem that needs to be reckoned with here

Jason Snell :zeppelin:

@glyph @dcrooks @9to5Mac It's on Apple to find _better_ solutions that protect users while also respecting them. If you want to find an example that justifies adding more security pop-ups and clutter, you can _always_ find one.

David Crooks 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@jsnell @glyph @9to5Mac 💯

They have really outstanding, experienced staff (which feels redundant to say) - agreed.

Jason Snell :zeppelin:

@glyph …and don't tell me what I am and am not considering. Thanks.


@jsnell for what it’s worth this is why I qualified with “sounds like”. I did not mean to tell you that you don’t care about or don’t know about the issue, just that you didn’t mention it here, and given that (as far as I know) that is *the* problem being addressed by this sort of over-alerting, its absence is notable. Sorry that I implied otherwise.

James Grimmelmann

@glyph @jsnell @dcrooks @9to5Mac I think "silent" is an important word there. If screen recording unblockably triggers a menu-bar UI element (as it does on iOS) it reduces the risk of silent surveillance.

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