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Cody Boone Ferguson

@ChanceyFleet I have really poor vision. I’ve worn glasses since I was 13mo old. First surgery was 17mo. Last one about 9. That was all they could do for me. Now in my 40s I am having a hard time getting a new prescription for reading and distance.

Cody Boone Ferguson

@ChanceyFleet Actually the same prescription is more blurry than my current and I have to go to a specialist. But one thing I have been extremely grateful for is that although I have bad vision (and some joke about me being blind) still I can see. And not everyone can. I would be devastated if I lost my eyesight or my hearing (which isn’t good either - well I have central auditory processing disorder and wear hearing aids and yes it helps but it’s not perfect).

Cody Boone Ferguson

@ChanceyFleet best wishes! I usually put alt text up but there are a few exceptions. Glad it helps you out. As someone who can see but not see well I have always pondered how useful it is. And yet now I think about it I’VE ALSO had to use them before! I am not sure if I could truly appreciate an image with JUST alt text but that’s from a perspective of being able to see. But this realisation is really amazing. Maybe I need to update my websites too. Thanks for the confirmation/reminder!

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