Hi, I'm a sighted person and I came to this post to find out what a tactile graphics lab was all about.
There are four images of people doing things (Blind and visually impaired patrons work with various tactile graphics at the New York Public Library’s Dimensions Lab.) But I don't know what. It's kind of funny, but I'm so used to mastodon after 7 years that I briefly expected an alt-text tool-tip to tell me when I hovered! I imagine a screen reader knows, but I don't use one.
I suppose this is another example where an adaptation for one group of people has broad advantages for others - like sidewalk ramps and probably other things I've come to rely on.
Anyhow, thanks for your encouraging post about people on fedi entering alt-texts. I think we mostly all enter them - it's a faux pas not to do it and people generally won't boost your posts, if you don't!