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As a Blind person i never thought i would be on social media savoring photos. But the communal Mastodon alt text game is so strong that sweet, poetic or silly descriptions abound on my timeline. Thanks to legions of people who take time to write a meaningful description of the ephemera they post, i learn so much about insects, plants, buildings, memes — all dispatches from a dimension of the world that i otherwise wouldn't experience. If you're wondering whether anybody reads these things: YES.


@ChanceyFleet And thank YOU for reminding us of the value. It is very satisfying to know that the effort to write decent alt-text is having a benefit.

Anne Ominous

@ChanceyFleet o
for anyone interested --
i thought this (which i learned about from the Art Inst of Chicago) was pretty cool

-- Alt Text as Poetry --

How can poetry make art more accessible? Find out during this creative writing program all about alt text.
..Inspired by the Alt Text as Poetry project .. the program will offer writing prompts using ideas from the world of poetry to inspire evocative image descriptions of works ..

#art #AltText

@ChanceyFleet o
for anyone interested --
i thought this (which i learned about from the Art Inst of Chicago) was pretty cool

-- Alt Text as Poetry --

How can poetry make art more accessible? Find out during this creative writing program all about alt text.
..Inspired by the Alt Text as Poetry project .. the program will offer writing prompts using ideas from the world of poetry to inspire evocative image descriptions of works ..

Crash Course

I have to say that I sometimes spend more time on the image alt-text than on the post itself.

Good to hear it is so well received 🙏

Tracy Smith

@ChanceyFleet As a fellow blind person, I say amen to that. Well said, and I fully agree. Grateful for all the amazing alt text descriptions. :-)


Hi everybody! I’m doing my best to read through all the comments. Some questions you may have about Blind people and images might be answered in this article I wrote last year:


Hi, I'm a sighted person and I came to this post to find out what a tactile graphics lab was all about.
There are four images of people doing things (Blind and visually impaired patrons work with various tactile graphics at the New York Public Library’s Dimensions Lab.) But I don't know what. It's kind of funny, but I'm so used to mastodon after 7 years that I briefly expected an alt-text tool-tip to tell me when I hovered! I imagine a screen reader knows, but I don't use one.
I suppose this is another example where an adaptation for one group of people has broad advantages for others - like sidewalk ramps and probably other things I've come to rely on.
Anyhow, thanks for your encouraging post about people on fedi entering alt-texts. I think we mostly all enter them - it's a faux pas not to do it and people generally won't boost your posts, if you don't!

Hi, I'm a sighted person and I came to this post to find out what a tactile graphics lab was all about.
There are four images of people doing things (Blind and visually impaired patrons work with various tactile graphics at the New York Public Library’s Dimensions Lab.) But I don't know what. It's kind of funny, but I'm so used to mastodon after 7 years that I briefly expected an alt-text tool-tip to tell me when I hovered! I imagine a screen reader knows, but I don't use one.
I suppose...


And to learn more about crafting alt text, i highly recommend the Alt Text as Poetry Project

Malaĉa maman chat 🌟

@ChanceyFleet I really love when people try to see what’s beautiful about something instead of thinking about it like a difficulty. We bring find joy and beauty into this world by writing image description, for everyone involved

Marco Salsiccia

@ChanceyFleet The rule of thumb I tend to give folks that are new to alt text is to imagine that they are on the phone with a friend. How would you succinctly describe the cool photo you are trying to post to a friend over the phone? What you come up with for your answer is the alt text you should use. Do try to limit it to about 120-200 characters if possible ;)

Jupiter Rowland
If you're wondering whether anybody reads these things: YES.

I think there are even people who read the utter monstrosities that I write to describe my images, and that I have to write for people to understand my images. Maybe not you, but someone out there.

And there may even actually be people for whom they're useful.

#AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta
If you're wondering whether anybody reads these things: YES.

I think there are even people who read the utter monstrosities that I write to describe my images, and that I have to write for people to understand my images. Maybe not you, but someone out there.

@ChanceyFleet reading this helps me feel more motivated to be more diligent about alt text!


I will do this more consistently. Thanks for the reminder.


@ChanceyFleet I will remember to do alt text now thank you


@ChanceyFleet Thank you. It's worth it to read your sweet appreciation post. 💟

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