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David Ho

Unfortunately, the drug that prevents HIV infection, lenacapavir, is currently unaffordable at $42,250 for the first year. If it were sold by Gilead for $40 per year, it would still yield them a 30% profit. But I guess that’s not how capitalism works.

Roadskater, Ph.D.

@davidho $GILD had a hepatitis drug that flat-out cured people. Their stock value boomed for a year or two when its was in use, then WTF, dropped when they were running out of patients who needed it.


@davidho there should be a profit limit of 50% or smth. Atleast in essential stuff.

Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@davidho they should get a single fixed payment for their R&D and the manufacturing process should be made public domain. They get enough money from governments worldwide.


@davidho Quite likely that Americans paid for the R&D for this medicine. As usual, it's priced out of our reach. Pathetic.


@davidho The despicable greed of big pharma puts earnings over human lives, these should be deemed crimes against humanity, despite the economic regime your country observes. The needs of the many outweigh the greed of the few, they would still earn a profit.


There is this weird-ass concept that treating the disease also prevents hiv infection.



One day it will be the death of us…


@davidho seems like something a leftist batch of new congressmen and senators could help with, by getting medicare to negotiate prices and covering more of the pop, including anybody with a need/desire for that drug. that'd be neat

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