There is a long answer, but it boils down to
- this has been tried MANY TIMES
- household bandwidth sucks
- if household bandwidth didn't suck, latency still matters. That is bad, because bandwidth = engineering problem, latency = physics problem.,
and many times before.
""We literally put a Bitcoin miner in a barrel of mineral oil and plumbed it up to a radiator," he told The Register.|
In case you weren't believing the bitcoin numbers above.
@Reinald @vladh
There are attempts to use data center waste heat for domestic heating, but that is not easy at all.
Data center waste heat is around 50 C at most, often less, so you can use it to drive a heat pump, but you can't transport it very well.
If you transport it, it still has to be used very locally. Data centers are often not built on expensive ground close to where people live, though.