360 takes a look at the Crowdstrike kernel drivers - finds they implement an eBPF like system, contain a wide attack surface, don’t check validity of update files (eg no signing of updates) and claim they contain conditions for LPE and RCE vulnerabilities. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uD7mhzyRSX1dTW-TMg4UhQ
Before people write this off as ‘the Chinese’, I’ll give you a hint: there really, really should be security research about the security of security products across all vendors. I’ve seen things.
Previously on Crowdstrike Falcon vulnerability research, check out this timeline where they tried to use NDAs to avoid disclosure, then fixed it without telling anybody. https://modzero.com/modlog/archives/2022/08/22/ridiculous_vulnerability_disclosure_process_with_crowdstrike_falcon_sensor/index.html