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Trash Rabbit 🐇🏳️‍⚧️🚮

@jgeorge i have seen a claim that these were used in speed shooting competitions; the semi random timer was the starter alarm, so that the competitors could be gauged from an unpredictable start time.

Plausible(?) but unverified.


@madrabbit I saw that on reddit. Given the time-scale of this thing's randomness (10 min to 60+ min so far) it seems like it would be a completely unfeasible random start timer for any kind of competition.


@jgeorge @madrabbit maybe the Barkley Marathons but that's pretty niche!

Maier Amsden

@jgeorge @madrabbit At the same time, 7 minutes to an hour is a pretty broad time span for preventing excess tunnel vision. 7 minutes seems way too short. An hour seems a bit long. And why not have a standard timer set to the perfect interval for what you typically do? I hate annoying beeps, so I'm calling this a torture device.

Stu Duerson

@madrabbit @jgeorge

I came on to say the same thing, however in Single Action Shooting, once the timer goes off, it also senses the times between shots, for a performance indicator. I've got one floating around here, somewhere...not IBM.

This one may be to signify time to take measurements, in a study that requires a random time selection.

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