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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Drivers for this landed in the Linux 5.18 yesterday.

Are we going to just ignore this?

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@drq no. My next server is going to be an AMD. Same with my next laptop.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@rysiek I wish it were so easy.

AMD is generally a "good guy" (or... gal?) only by virtue of being an underdog. When they come up on top, their behavior changes rapidly, and not for the better.

No big corp is your friend.

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@drq absolutely. But I also need computing devices, and I have to work within a particular crappy world. I can try to change it a bit here and there, but CPU design happens not to be my forte. 🤷‍♀️

:umu: :umu:
@drq can't wait until somebody hacks Intel for good
Aral Balkan

@drq I mean given that Linux is ~99% corporate… probably?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@aral The question is not about how "corporate" something is or not, the question is what does it actually do. And this seems first and foremost to pave a way for implementing microtransactions-style business model in *actual* hardware, silicon space.


Reeks IBM s390 CPU licensing all over the place...


@drq @aral trying to understand: Is the implication here that linux is officially adding support for hobbled CPUs that you need to pay additional money _after_ buying to unlock features of?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@masukomi Yes. It's not necessarily Linux' fault though, I think, because the alternative would be "we're not working on these devices", I suppose.



@drq @aral yeah. hard choice. There are ivory tower idealistic choices, and then there are practical ones.... :/

Aral Balkan

@drq Which I’m sure Linux’s biggest names: IBM, etc., have absolutely no problem with.

n8chz ⒶⒺ

@drq @aral Oh, I think it very much is a question of how corporate something is. I have yet to see a monetization strategy that does not revolve around some value-subtracted feature. Not that I approve of working for free, but between no volunteer work and no cynical monetization gimmicks I see no possible solution. Or even a middle ground, such as allowing some antifeature categories and disallowing others. Seems those goalposts always get moved eventually.

Dawid Rejowski


And now my installation will feel more dirty...

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