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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Calling for gamer friends and journalists and generally everyone who cares about software ownership from US and Europe.

Ross Scott is planning a legislation against #Ubisoft for shutting down The Crew, and needs your help!

Boosts to the max, as much as possible. This might be The Last Stand against Games as a Service.

#games #gaming #StopGaaS #GaasIsFraud #StopSaaS #SaasIsFraud

UPD: If you've bought The Crew at some point, or if you got anything you can help with, please shoot a message at: с

UPD: This has started!!

Hear the message from Ross Scott

Go to for the battle plans! Just choose one according to where you live and stick to it! Let's do our best!

UPD: Europe, IT'S ON!!

The European Citizen Initiative is here!

We need one million signatures! Here's what to do:


Though I don't believe that companies should be expected to maintain infrastructure indefinitely, I think that if they don't they should let community do this instead. Like for example here:
Dr. Quadragon ❌

> companies should be expected to maintain infrastructure indefinitely

This is not what he's proposing.

He's proposing not making games dependent on the company's infrastructure to function in the first place, or providing a way to run the game independently once support ends.

Watch his "Games as a Service is Fraud video".


@drq I hate this so much when this happens..

When people buy a game it should be offline playable or it should be with a subscription and not a full cost copy

This is one of the major reasons i start with building a offline RPG first, people need to be able to play it anywhere anytime without connection!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@stux I agree 100%

And if it's an online multiplayer game, people should have the ability to host their own servers, at the very least when official support expires.

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@stux There are also community servers and backends for online-only games (Battlefield 2, for instance). Though, it's more of a remedy than a solution.


@stux YES. nothing upsets me like a single player game that forces you to be online. some of us don’t have a constant internet connection 🤨

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I got slapped with a complaint from someone from, and I quote:

> Spam tagging people in an activism message.

To which I have to ask: Are you f*king kidding? You *must* be f*king kidding.

We still don't have groups for such kinds of things, so we need to megaphone this the best we can. It's in our own best interest as gamers and customers.

We need to sue this practice out of existence, or it's game over for the industry. The IT industry, not just software or game industry.

They already have inroads to "Hardware as a service". We need to stop this NOW.


I got slapped with a complaint from someone from, and I quote:

> Spam tagging people in an activism message.

To which I have to ask: Are you f*king kidding? You *must* be f*king kidding.

We still don't have groups for such kinds of things, so we need to megaphone this the best we can. It's in our own best interest as gamers and customers.

I'm kinda ambivalent about this too. This whole idea of "owning" games is more from proprietary software universe. I would prefer to go opensource instead. No ownership there too and there definitely exist services, but you can self-host too.
Jason Evangelho

@drq @drq You just keep doing exactly what you're doing. I had no idea this had happened, and I've been getting increasingly rankled about how tough game preservation is becoming. This takes it to disturbing new levels.


@drq I mean, if you're randomly tagging people...

like, I have no context, but if you ARE doing that, "but this is important!!!" does not justify it, that's what boosts and hashtags are for.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@frost Nobody will boost it if nobody sees it in the first place.


@drq That's what the local timeline is for!

Please don't do the fedi equivalent of activism spam texts, it's not cool.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@frost This is not actionable for my local timeline (because of locality of its members), but it probably is for yours, especially if you live in general Europe, France, Australia or Brazil. Neither I nor most of the people on my server, live in those places. And hashtags simply don't work all that great between instances. And there's no "algorithm" to show your message to people. Discoverability on Fedi sucks, part because a lot of stuff is not implemented as yet, part because of architectural reasons, so... as far as "putting things out there" goes - you're on your own, pretty much.

And I was not "randomly" tagging people, I was tagging people I know who might be interested in the cause and who have at least some sort of publicity.

Please don't throw accusations without knowing the full context, it's not cool.

@frost This is not actionable for my local timeline (because of locality of its members), but it probably is for yours, especially if you live in general Europe, France, Australia or Brazil. Neither I nor most of the people on my server, live in those places. And hashtags simply don't work all that great between instances. And there's no "algorithm" to show your message to people. Discoverability on Fedi sucks, part because a lot of stuff is not implemented as yet, part because of architectural reasons,...

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